I gleaned valuable life information. But for many of us, these wants are not backed up by self-awareness or self-esteem.

  • I’ve spent the last six years researching and understanding alcoholism, addiction, and how people get sober.
  • I wasn’t able to reach the point of feeling okay until I had all these drugs in my system.
  • When you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, the notion of getting clean and then staying sober over the long haul can be frightening.
  • Having landed a job as features editor on a glossy weekend supplement , deadlines had got very real.

I went home to a place filled with people like me who were all trying to stay sober. They all were supportive, and when someone relapsed, they were removed so that there was no temptation for the rest of us.

Ability to Cope with Hardships

This addictive behavior can be devastating to the patient and their loved ones. Whether or not the person takes a medication to help achieve this shouldn’t matter to anyone. If a medication helps stop the damaging addictive behavior, then that is successful treatment and not switching one addiction for another. Other addicts have trod this path before you and have experienced the same fears and anxieties you may feel. Lean on a recovery support group, like those at Right Path Addiction Treatment Centers, and concentrate on the small changes you can accomplish. People who drink and drive while intoxicated often lose money.

Fear of Being Sober

That meant that no matter what, no matter what I was going through, how bored I was, or how I was feeling, I had to completely abstain. I was afraid of sobriety because I was afraid that I was going to be boring and dull – that no one would like me anymore. Turns out, no one liked me before I got sober. Once I did get sober I realized that I was truly becoming the best version of myself. I was holding down a job – my dream job. My fear of being sober finally dissipated, and it seemed like the only way of life that made sense for me.

Is Being Sober Boring? Why Do We Think That?

This is especially true in dealing with the effects of withdrawal and learning to live a new life in sobriety. At BriteLife Recovery, we understand the connection between anxiety and alcoholism. We will learn about you and your history with anxiety. If you struggle with alcoholism, we will work with you to develop different coping skills. Even those who use drugs and alcohol on an extensive level will find themselves battling embarrassment on a routine basis. From falling down stairs to explaining why you stole money from a friend, all of those awkward, painful moments are wiped away once you get sober. You no longer need to make excuses for yourself.

You’re not obligated to drink just to make others feel good about their drinking. So don’t allow anyone to make you feel that way. This is the hard part, but it’s also the most rewarding. When you DO start to deal with your problems in healthier ways , you are going to feel completely transformed and unstoppable.

Reality Check

If the individual has phobic symptoms surrounding the fear, this should be done with the help of a professional. The old saying a problem shared is a problem halved is certainly true when it comes to fears. Sometimes just taking about these concerns can make all the difference. Mindfulness meditation is a wonderful technique that allows people to observer their fears more objectively. The individual can learn to view fears as just a reaction in their mind that can be controlled. In order to overcome fears the individual needs to be willing to face them. This means launching an investigation into exactly what it is they are afraid of.

  • Addicts use drugs and alcohol to cope with trauma, loss, and mental or emotional challenges.
  • If your friends don’t want to hang out with you unless you’re drinking, then you know where you stand with each other.
  • It’s also important to note that the physical dependence pre-existed the buprenorphine treatment and was not caused by it.
  • Yes, change is difficult, but change is also an integral part of life.
  • Sobriety is an opportunity to improve your life in many different ways.

As a rookie journalist in London, I couldn’t help but notice that the up-for-it, outspoken women I saw killing it career-wise could drink https://ecosoberhouse.com/ male colleagues under the table. If I wanted to be popular, successful and attractive I, too, would need to get myself “piss-fit”.

Staying sober: Six tips to avoid living in fear of relapse

Copyright © 2022 MH Sub I, LLC. All rights reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of Sober Recovery’s”Terms of Use”,”Privacy Policy”,”Cookie Policy”, and”Health Disclaimer”. The material on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider. The fear of getting sober is more common than we may think.

  • For people starting out in recovery, it can be all but impossible to see the cause and effect interactions that take place behind the scenes without some form of guidance.
  • From falling down stairs to explaining why you stole money from a friend, all of those awkward, painful moments are wiped away once you get sober.
  • Every hour that I spent working with another alcoholic or drug addict was another hour of sobriety that I was able to claim.
  • It is so different to the individual’s current circumstances.
  • They were rightfully alarmed and agreed to help pay for rehab.

You are worth the hard work recovery takes. It’s not a reasonable expectation, but more importantly, we shouldn’t live our lives in fear of situations and individuals where alcohol might be present. Reduced junk or processed foods and eat more healthy foods, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole unprocessed foods.

Sobriety Fear #4: You’ll actually succeed.

Learning about addiction, treating underlying issues, and building coping mechanisms are the learned behaviors we teach and support at BriteLife Recovery. Using alcohol to ease anxious moments is commonly portrayed in the media as well. This is why you should know healthy coping habits to handle anxiety and alcohol recovery. Getting and staying sober can be Fear of Being Sober a catalyst to help you to change other areas of your life, including your overall physical health. Just getting sober does not automatically lead to health, but it can give you the ability to eat better, sleep better, and get more exercise. That, ultimately, leads to a healthier version of yourself. It’s important to note that asking “is being sober boring?

Fear of Being Sober

It is recommended to take the first day of treatment off. Some are able to work even on Day One. Certainly, after Day One, you should be able to work with greater attentiveness and clarity than before starting treatment. The transition from addictive substance to Buprenorphine is usually painless and most patients experience no adverse physical effects. In fact, most say that they feel normal again like they were never on drugs at all.

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